We have 1000s' of digitized Pre-1974 historical planning records from Northwich, Runcorn and Tarvin Rural District Councils.
Find planning decisions that are not shown on the current Councils planning website.
We have copies of the Index Registers and catalogues of the pre-1974 Historical Planning Records.
Potentially find long forgotten and thought missing drawings from when records began.
Identify missing Approval Notices not listed on the Councils Planning website.
Obtain and review Historical Ordnance Survey Maps. Find long forgotten property uses & buildings that have been demolished.
Use missing documents and approvals to prove Brownfield Land (Previously Developed Land - PDL) status. Establish a Lawful Use Certificate & defend Planning Enforcement Notices.
Help your planning application be successful.
Initiatives Design Ltd
48 High Street, Weaverham, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 3HB
Tel: 01606 851904 Mob: 0792 186 4075
Email: initiativesdesign@gmail.com
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